您好 此次出貨想與貴司討論有關關稅問題 由於我司是以快遞出貨,但交易條件為FOB TAIWAN 我司報價僅含運費,不含報關費用 因此,關稅部份需由貴司支付。 以7K為例,前次出貨關稅為USD300- 因此前二次我司將自行吸收關稅部份 而此次開始則希望貴司能支付關稅部份。 造成貴司不便,深感抱歉
Dear Mr. XXX: About 轉學考補習找樂學網the tariff problem of this shipment, we have something to discuss with your company. Because we shipped the goods via express delivery with the trade condition as FOB TAIWAN. Our quote price is only containing shipment fee without covering tariff. Therefore, the tariff needs to be paid by your company. Take 7K as an example, the tariff of last delivery of goods is USD300. Our company paid the last two times tariff ourselves, but we hope your company will pay the tariff since now on. Make your company inconvenient, hope you will understand. 2007-06-11 16:13:31 補充: http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/?qid=1405102512154
您期待已久的 8891娛樂館 熱烈開幕囉! 8891遊戲網以優質的服務領先業界 多位美女客服24小時即時線上為您服務! 8891遊戲館有優於市面所有運動投注遊戲的 賠 ~ 率 以及免下載專業美女 百家樂、21點、骰寶、各國賓果、餐廳賓果、彩球遊戲 另有數百位真人視訊聊天辣妹與您進行互動聊天還有"精彩"電影喔! 心動了嗎!! 快來體驗市面上最完質最高品質的服務 現在有開放免費試玩喔! 官方 : 8891.NET|||||【亞洲36588合法彩券公司直營 官網: A36588.NET 】 【 最新活動→迎接新會員,首存狂送20% 】 【運動→電子→對戰→現場→彩球 】 【免費服務 →電影區、討論區、KTV歡唱、運動轉播、即時比分、24H客服 】 【亞洲36588合法彩券公司直營 官網: A36588.NET 】|||||I would like to discuss the custom fee problem with your company for this shipment . Since our company ship goods is via express. And the term is FOB TAIWAN . Our company the quoted is included the freight charge only, and not included the broker service charge. Therfore,the custom charge need bile for your company. For example 7K, the custom charge is USD300 for last shipment. So,we will pay for all the custom fee with last two time shipment. But, your company must pay for all the custom fee on this time star. If we cause your inconvenience, please forgive us.|||||dear sir: I wanna discuss with you about the tariff of shipment. because we ship the goods out via express,the tariff is included. according to our transaction terms as FOB TAIWAN , the tariff should be included besides freight. in other words, the tariff will be charged on you from now on.by the way,the tariff which is USD300 for last 7K shipment will be paid by us.I hope you will take it into account. sorry for your inconvenience..