



窈窕淑女(my fair lady) 昰屬於一部劇情片, 導演:George Cukor 演員:Audrey Hepburn Rex Harrison Stanley Holloway 他飾演ㄉ語言學教授利希金和好友打賭 要將粗俗不堪ㄉ賣花女 成功ㄉ打造成一名高貴ㄉ淑女. 更新: 拜託大家啊 更新 2: 他飾演ㄉ語言學教授利希金和好友打賭 (打錯啦) 更正:他飾演ㄉ語言學教授亨利希金和好友打賭 更新 3: 人名可以不要翻英文


窈窕淑女(my fair lady) 昰屬於一部劇情片, 導演:George Cukor 演員:Audrey Hepburn Rex Harrison Stanley Holloway 他飾演ㄉ語言學教授利希金和好友打賭 要將粗俗不堪ㄉ賣花女 成功ㄉ打造成一名高貴ㄉ淑女. My Fair Lady is a drama, directed by George Cukor and starring by Audrey Hepbun, Rex Harrison and Stanley Holloway. The story begins as a linguistic professor Henry Higgins (Rex Harrison) makes a bet that he can transform a vulgar flower girl into a high society lady.


窈窕淑女(my fair lady) 昰屬於一部劇情片, 導演:George Cukor 演員:Audrey Hepburn Rex Harrison Stanley Holloway 他飾演ㄉ語言學教授利希金和好友打賭 要將粗俗不堪ㄉ賣花女 成功ㄉ打造成一名高貴ㄉ淑女. My Fair Lady is a dramatical movie, which is directed by George Cukor, starred by Audrey Hepburn, Rex Harrison, and Stanley Holloway. The story begins as Henry Higgins (Rex Harrison), a phonetics professor, makes a bet with his good friend that he can successfully transform flower girl Eliza Dolittle (Audrey Hepburn), who is terribly barbarous, into a high society lady.|||||窈窕淑女(my fair lady) 昰屬於一部劇情片,My Fair Lady is a dramatic movie.?導演:George Cukor???It was directed by George Cukor.演員:Audrey Hepburn Rex Harrison Stanley Holloway The leading characters are Audrey Hepburn, Rex Harrison and Stanley Holloway.他飾演ㄉ語言學教授利希金和好友打賭The?inguistic professor Hilly Gene in this film?要將粗俗不堪ㄉ賣花女???成功ㄉ打造成一名高貴ㄉ淑女bet with his best friend that he could successfully turn a vulgar flowergirl into a Fair?Lady.724001295B3CA305


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